Hive Sixth Form provides excellent educational opportunities for all students to achieve success.  Our personalised pastoral provision means that students have a supported transition from Key Stage 4 and are ready for their next steps into the wider world after Sixth Form.  The core college values of Respect, Resilience and Success are inherent in our Sixth Form. 

All students in Hive Sixth Form at Countesthorpe Academy study level 3 qualifications. The majority of students will study three Level 3 qualifications whilst a few will study four qualifications. The level 3 qualifications are composed mostly of academic A levels and there are a small number of applied or vocational courses on offer. The core aim of all students is to achieve qualifications that will enable them to progress to university, apprenticeship or employment. 


Dates of Open Evening

Our Open Evening is a great way to explore what HiVE Sixth Form has to offer you.

Our Autumn 2024 Open Evening is Thursday 7th November 2024.

Taster Lessons

During the Autumn 2024 term we will run some taster lessons in school where you can experience first hand exactly what our school is like; we think you'll

However, if you would just like to explore our HiVE Sixth Form and find out more about how we can help you achieve your potential please get in touch with Mrs K. Challinor, Head of HiVE Sixth Form ( ) who will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with a guided tour.


Sixth Form Prospectus

Please download a copy of our Sixth Form Prospectus in PDF format to learn more.


Course Information

We have a wide range of academic courses on offer, with some applied and vocational courses too. Some years we may not be able to run a course due to the numbers of applications and combinations with other subjects, but if you are interested in what we have to offer, then please get in touch.

  • A level Fine Art
  • A Level Biology
  • A Level Business
  • A Level Chemistry
  • A Level Computer Science
  • BTEC L3 Dance
  • A Level English Literature
  • BTEC eSports
  • Extended Project Qualification
  • WJEC Level 3 Food and Nutrition
  • A Level Further Maths
  • BTEC Ext Cert (360GLH) Health and Social Care
  • BTEC Diploma (720GLH) Health and Social Care
  • A Level History
  • A Level Geography
  • A Level Maths
  • A Level Media
  • A Level Philosophy and Ethics 
  • CTEC Physical Education
  • A Level Physics
  • A Level Product Design
  • A Level Psychology
  • BTEC Applied Science
  • A Level Sociology
  • Resit - GCSE Maths
  • Resit – GCSE English

NB Qualifications crossed out are offered to the cohort but insufficient applicants means that this was not viable for this current cohort.


Course Requirements

If you are interested in studying the course below, this document will help you gain an understanding of the grade requirements to undertake the course.


Full Details of Courses on Offer


Getting here

Our campus is located on the edge of rural Leicestershire in the village of Countesthorpe. We have many transport options for our students, including

  • safe walking routes from Countesthorpe and Blaby
  • Cycle sheds for students who wish to cycle
  • Bike parking for students who wish to ride a motorcycle or scooter
  • Public transport with the Arriva 85 bus picking up and dropping off right outside our campus
  • Private bus services provided by a number of bus companies

For students coming to us from  Thomas Estley Community College or Brockington College we run a Sixth Form Minibus service for Sixth Form Students living in the villages of Broughton Astley, Frolesworth and Enderby.

Timetable and pricing information for the HiVE Sixth Form Minibus can be found here

To purchase a Minibus pass please log into or contact us if you have not started at the College yet.

Please note: Routes and timings are subject to change depending upon demand and preferred pick up/drop off points next academic year.

Financial Support

We believe that everyone has a right to a fantastic education, regardless of their financial position. With this in mind we are proud to offer bursary grants to students who require additional financial support.

How it works

We have two types of bursary available Bursary A and Bursary B

 Bursary A

A bursary of up to £1,200 is available to students who are in one or more of the following categories:

  • in care
  • care leavers
  • in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit in their own right
  • in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit and Disability Living or Personal Independence Payments in their own right

Bursary B

Annual household income of £25,000 or less

Students who qualify can receive:

  • £300 towards the cost of a bus pass if they live over 2 miles from the school
  • 100% towards the cost of educational visits during the year (purchased by the school not via reimbursement)
  • 100% towards subject text books (purchased by the school not via reimbursement)
  • Contribution towards the cost of attending university interviews and open days - This includes travel on the day, but not overnight accommodation.


For full details including terms and conditions please see our 16-19 Bursary Scheme Policy document.

Missed your GCSE English and Maths Grade 4?

Don't worry - we can help!

Where students meet the overall entry requirement of five grade five at GCSE but do not meet the threshold of Grade four English and maths, a compulsory additional lesson in that specialism is timetabled and students re-sit these examinations in the following exam series until they achieve above the grade 4 threshold.


Work Experience & Non Qualification Activities 

As a Sixth Form centre that seeks to not only provide excellent academic courses and opportunities we also support you to "be the best you can be" in a wider range of disciplines.

All Year 12 students are required to take part in a three day activity of work experience in Summer Term 2. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities for virtual WEXP through the Speakers for Schools programme.

Our non-qualification activities develop students’ character, skills, attitudes and confidence.  Students in our Sixth Form are required to take part in a number of activities which provide them with opportunity to develop a range of skills in addition to those developed through their academic or applied studies. These are listed below: 

  • Form time is used to discuss a range of important issues and develop key skills.  In particular for our current cohorts this will focus on study skills as students are recognised to have missed out on learning these skills during COVID times. 
  • All students take part in a wide ranging PSHE programme that is specifically designed for Sixth Form students and enables them to explore their own safety, careers, life skills and wider issues around the world. 
  • Students are encouraged to read widely and our super curriculum programme is timetabled once per week to provide guidance in research skills. 
  • High quality IAG is provided for all students through regular input from the Director of Sixth Form, form tutors and the careers advisor. 
  • Year 12 and 13 students take part in a variety of enrichment programmes ranging from prom committee to chess club to gardening. 
  • There are a number of opportunities to explore next steps including visits to higher education providers through the PDP programme and a visit in Year 12 to the Midlands HE Fair. 
  • Careers events comprise of visits to local university for a “university experience day” including a sample lecture and enterprise activities where students are responsible for budgeting and designing a product and selling the idea to investors. 
  • The Elephant Group programme is available to our most able students who are mentored and provided with opportunities and aspirational activities to encourage them to apply to a top university. 
  • All students have independent study lessons, blank on their timetable, that enable them to develop their independent learning skills. 
  • The school actively encourages students in Year 12 to take part in the NCS programme. 
  • Students are encouraged to take part in the Camps International programme that has visited Borneo and Cambodia in previous years. 
  • Students are encouraged to take part in activities to support our local community. For example, carol singing to the local care home each December. 
  • Students receive information on a weekly basis through the Hive Bulletin shared with staff, students and parents to remind of key messages as well as promote opportunities such as virtual work experiences. 
  • Students participate in fortnightly year group assemblies which aim to inform students of key messages. 
  • Year 13 students are encouraged to plan their own Yr13 prom and a committee is set up for this. 
  • Sixth Form Students lead a mentoring program for younger years to help with friendship issues etc supported by staff and with safeguarding training completed. 
  • The Student Leadership Team is drawn from Sixth Form.  Students apply for the post and are interviewed.  There are 2 Head Student positions and 2 deputy positions as well as senior prefects. The student leadership team meets to discuss current issues and are tasked to explore an area to develop the college. 
  • Student Ambassadors.  Many of our Sixth Form opt to become student ambassadors.  They represent the college at Parents evenings and provide a fantastic support to staff during these evenings. 


Want to study with us?

If you are ready for the challenge, we're ready to help you reach your goals. We welcome applications from students currently studying in all schools.

If you are unable to apply via PS16 for any reason please click here to download an application form in Word Format and please return it to


More able, High Achieving and Gifted & Talented Students

We are proud to have worked with some exceptional students who have been accepted into top universities. We offer a comprehensive provision for students who are aiming high to receive specific help and support in applying to top universities.  We also offer specific support for students who are planning on applying for medicine and veterinary medicine.

If you have more questions please get in touch with Mrs K Challinor who will be happy to help you.


KS5 Curriculum Contact

If you wish to find out more about the curriculum our school is offering, please contact: Mrs Challinor – Head of Sixth Form –


Withdrawal from Religious or Sex Education

If a parent wishes to withdraw their son/daughter from attendance at religious or sex education lessons or assemblies, they should contact the school by email at

Want to study with us?

f you are ready for the challenge, we're ready to help you reach your goals. We welcome applications from students currently studying in all schools.

If you are unable to apply via PS16 for any reason please click here to download an application form in Word Format and please return it to