Here at Countesthorpe Academy we are committed to recognising those students who meet our expectations, by doing the right thing and striving to “be the best they can be”. At the heart of all we do are our core values of showing respect, developing resilience and achieving success we encourage students to demonstrate these at all times in our school community.
Students earn value points and postcards in class every day and this is acknowledged in our end of the week recognition tutor time. During this tutor time we recognise the students who have earned the most value points and we share the winner of our learner of the week prize draw. Through the recognition strand of our raising the bar initiative as students earn value points they are recognised at key milestones by being awarded bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond postcards and certificates.
As well as recognising our students daily and weekly, we also hold half termly recognition events throughout the year to celebrate these students and let them know their efforts and contribution to the academy and our learning community, are appreciated and valued. At the end of each half term we celebrate students achievements in our recognition assemblies. Tutor groups and students win value awards and prizes for both collective and individual achievements related to accumulation of value points, behaviour, attendance and demonstrating the Countesthorpe Academy values.
Aside to this we also hold an end of year awards evening to further recognise our students. This includes subject specific awards and a variety of whole school recognition.
Daily staff within the academy also reward students “being the best they can be” with nudge vouchers. Each half term we have focus examples of this would be “Being Countesthorpe Academy Ready” and having full school uniform or “being the best they can be” in their lessons by actively engaging in learning. This theory has proved really successful.
We also like to recognise our students by offering them some golden time each term this might be through a reward event or trip either in the academy or out in the community.