Our SEND Coordinator is Mr N. Williams


SEND at Countesthorpe Academy

Our mission is to enable all children and young people with SEND to achieve the best possible educational and wider outcomes and to make a successful transition into adulthood. This will be achieved through high quality teaching and provision that is differentiated and personalised and will meet the needs of the individual. From early identification, pupils with SEND will receive high quality teaching, support strategies and interventions tailored to their individual needs which will enable them to achieve their full potential.

Leicestershire County Council's Local Offer for SEND Students

You can learn more about the Leicestershire County Council's Local offer for students with SEND by visiting their website -

Transport for Students with Special Educational Needs or a Disability

Students with Special Educational Needs or a Disability can find out more about the Leicestershire County Council's Personal Transport Budget by looking in the Bus Information page in our Parents Section.

Our SEND Policy

Our SEND Policy can be found in our Policies section of our website, or by following this link - SEND Policy 2024-25