Scheme of Delegation
Find out more about what governors do, committee structures and the scheme of delegation in this document.
Governing boards have a significant degree of autonomy in our increasingly school- led system. They are the vision setters and strategic decision makers for their schools. They play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education that takes every child as far as their talents allow. Crucially, that means creating robust accountability for executive leaders by using and being familiar with objective data on the performance of pupils, teachers and finances to ask the right questions. It means ensuring resources are allocated to strategic priorities and safeguarding the highest standards of financial propriety – for example on executive pay and expenses and on related party transactions. It also means ensuring that schools prepare pupils for life and the workplace and implementing their Prevent duty and promoting fundamental British Values to protect them from the risks of extremism and radicalisation.
If you wish to contact the governors, please email
Chair of Governors
Our Co-Chairs of Governors are:
Countesthorpe Academy
Winchester road
Countesthorpe Academy
Winchester road
Board of Governors
Countesthorpe Academy Board of Governors - CA LGB Roles and Interests - Apr.2024
Governor Meeting Attendance
- 2023-24 Governor Attendance
- 2022/23 Governor Attendance
- 2021/22 Governor Attendance
- 2020/21 Governor Attendance
- 2019/20 Governor Attendance
- 2018/19 Governor Attendance
LiFE Multi Academy Trust
To learn more about the LiFE MAT and governance in the Multi Academy Trust, please follow this link.