At home Lateral Flow Testing

Since we have returned from the summer holidays we have carried out over 2000 Lateral Flow Tests. Students have been brilliant in taking this responsibility seriously, and this has really helped to ensure we are all in as safe an environment as we can be. A huge than you to all our staff, Sixth Form students and parent volunteers for helping to run the testing, without whom we would not have
been able to get all our students back to school as quickly as we have.

From now on, students are expected to carry out Lateral Flow Tests at home so we can continue to identify any students who may be asymptomatic.

Instructions for Home Testing

Your child should now have received their home test kits. All students who have been tested in school have been issued with two packs, each containing 3 tests, plus an instruction booklet. Inside the booklet is also a leaflet with QR codes on as shown below. Please follow the instructions carefully.


  1. Tests should be taken during term time on Wednesdays and Sundays. The first one should start on Wednesday 8th September.
  2. Results must be registered with
    1. The NHS
    2. And with us at school
  3. A positive test will require a further PCR test.
  4. If the PCR test is also positive you should inform us immediately on

Please remember that students who are displaying symptoms MUST not come into school and should be taken for a test immediately. If a positive test result is received please notify us immediately.

Continuing testing at home is going to be vital in our commitment to keep everyone safe.

Thank you once again for all your continued support.

Mr D. Thurston
Deputy Headteacher

This page was last updated: 8th September 2021