Year 11 Leavers!

Today marks the last day of school for our Year 11 students before they have their Exam Preparation Programme. This means they attend for scheduled exams, Hot Tips, Walking Talking Mocks and revision sessions.


Our fantastic Year 11 students had their last lesson with us today, followed by tutor time in which tutors handed out awards to show their appreciation for the contributions students have made, a heartfelt leavers assembly and pizza! 🍕

Students and tutors were then treated to ice cream in the sun and many students signed shirts to commemorate the day and say farewell to each other. Students were also able to collect their leavers hoodies!


We are so proud of each and every one of our Year 11 students; keep up the hard work, revise well and smash those exams!

This page was last updated: 25th May 2023