Parent Governors

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now well into the new school year, and the school governors are wanting more parents to become governors at Countesthorpe.

I have a special request: to ask you to consider becoming a governor of Countesthorpe.

To help you decide if to volunteer here is some information about what the governors are responsible for and what they do.

What governors do.

The governors meet about five times a year, they also try to visit the two schools about three times a year.

Governors have three main duties:

  • Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the schools
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the performance of the school and students
  • Making sure the schools’ money is well spent, and overseeing the finances of the schools

Ensuring accountability, by:

  • Agreeing the main priorities each year
  • Appointing new teachers
  • Monitoring progress towards targets
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Contributing to the school’s self-evaluation

Parent governors play a vital role in the governing body: they ensure that all governors are aware of the views of parents and the local community. Being part of the governing body is your chance to influence the education of your child, and other local children, and help Countesthorpe on its journey to becoming excellent school.

I feel sure that there are parents prepared to take on this important role and give their time and commitment to helping us to continue to improve the school. Anyone who has a child at the school at the time of the election is eligible to stand. Parent governors are welcomed as valued members of the team, and as there is for all governors training and support is available to help you develop into the role. This will include in-house mentoring and support as well as access to external governor training.

If you are interested, please do contact me, by email at  so we can arrange to have a chat in more detail about what is involved.

I do hope you feel able to volunteer to help your child’s education.  I look forward to hearing from you.


John Taylor
Co-Chair of Governors Countesthorpe Academy

This page was last updated: 14th October 2022