📢 Into Film Awards 2022 – Time To Vote! 📢

One of our incredible students, Sadie, created a beautifully animated movie titled ‘Aggressive’, which has been nominated for an award at the Into Film Awards 2022!

Retweet the following link to vote for Sadie! - https://bit.ly/3zyfNhR


You can watch her creation here: https://bit.ly/3pMvrkf

Sadie made this video for her A-Level practical Media class. She combined her technical expertise and media production skills to create an emotional piece of work which sees a wolf, hunted by townspeople who wrongly assume it is dangerous.


She spoke with BBC Radio Leicester’s Jack Rafferty about her short film, discussing her ideas, the process behind it and her nomination! 📻


You can listen here: https://bbc.in/3tpZekk


We are extremely proud of her and wish her every success!


This page was last updated: 14th June 2022