On Weds 10th April, Hive Sixth Form hosted a Post 18 Options Parent Information Evening.
We heard from our alumni, Morgan, who shared his experience of successfully obtaining his degree apprenticeship position. We were also given a fantastic overview of the university application process from Isobel from Student Recruitment at Leicester University, and alumni Evie shared with us her first year university experience.
Mr Ford (Careers Lead and PREP leader) also told parents about how the careers team can support students in making their choices and how our subscription to UNIFROG is a key part of this process.
Finally, Mrs Challinor spoke about student finance and how parents can help students when visiting potential university locations and making sure that students have secured a work experience placement.
Thank you so much to the parents who attended; we hope that you found it really useful!
The parents guide booklet provided during the event, will be attached to next weeks Hive Sixth Form weekly bulletin for those parents not able to attend.