Question Time with the HIVE

On Friday 2nd February, Hive Sixth Form hosted their very own Question Time event with representatives from Political Parties invited to discuss a variety of issues that are important to our Sixth Form students. Questions ranged from the cost of living, public transport, and knife crime.

Students commented:

Its enlightened me!

I have developed a point of view when I didn’t really know much about politics at all!

I wasn’t interested in politics but its more interesting than I thought!

Thanks to our local political representatives: Paul Hartshorn -Liberal Democrats, Mike Jelfs - The Green Party and Robert Parkinson -Labour, for taking the time to support our young people.

You can watch a video of this event here:

If you wish to be a part of our successful HIVE community, we are still accepting applications here:

This page was last updated: 9th February 2024