Attendance and Behaviour

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we approach the latter stages of the Autumn term, we feel it is the right time to highlight the importance of regular attendance and our expectations relating to conduct and behaviour at the Academy through our core values of respect, resilience and success.


Demonstrating Resilience

As previously reported home, our Academy target for attendance is 96%. From the analysis of previous years exams performance, we know that positive attendance correlates with positive academic achievement. As an incentive, for the rest of this term, all students who achieve 100% attendance will be entered into a special prize draw in the final recognition assembly of the term. This challenge will start from Monday 7th November.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that when you do report an absence it must be reported on first day and each subsequent day. Please send all attendance queries including proof of medical appointments directly to


Showing Respect

We have recently launched a new strategy to improve punctuality across the Academy. This has significantly reduced the number of lates to school in the morning as well as lateness to lessons after break and lunch time.

Since returning from half term we have had an increase in use of mobile phones inside the school building. Students have been reminded that it is against our policy for students to be communicating with home during the school day, phones should be turned off and in their bags at all times.

For any queries or if a student is feeling unwell, they must report to reception who will contact home as necessary. If a student is caught using their device during the school day, they will be sanctioned in accordance to the behaviour policy.

When students fail to meet our expectations relating to uniform, behaviour and punctuality the consequences are clear and have been highlighted to students on several occasions. When students incur a detention (either after school or at break time) they are expected to attend without negotiation. The detention takes priority over sporting fixtures, clubs and students are to go straight to their detention. Students who are late to their detention (not arriving within the first 5 mins) will be classed as failing their detention and further action will be taken in line with our behaviour policy.

We would also like to bring to your attention the issues within school we are having with the craze around the drink called ‘Prime’. We recognise that students are excited to have, and to drink this new drink created by a famous Youtube star but it is not acceptable for students to be selling this to other students. If any student is caught selling this either before, after or during the school day they will be sanctioned accordingly. We are a cashless site so there is no need for students to have cash on them during the day.

With the weather getting colder and wetter, a reminder that students should wear their blazer with a suitable waterproof coat over the top. For additional warmth students are able to wear a Countesthorpe Academy school jumper under their blazer. No other non-uniform jumpers/hoodies should be worn.

With the change in weather in mind more of the student body are moving through internal corridors. From Monday 7th November we’ll be reinforcing the need for everybody wo walk on the left side of the corridor. At points in the day we can have up to 1250 staff and students moving around the site at the same time. Adopting this simple rule will ensure we can move around safely and orderly. We ask that families reinforce this message at home.


Achieving Success

It is also important to recognise how fantastic the students are at Countesthorpe Academy. So far this term students have earned a massive 53,900 value points and received 1,089 learner of the week (LOTW) nominations. Each week a random draw takes place for all the students nominated and the winner receives a £5 amazon voucher.

We are also incredibly proud of our sporting success. The Year 7 girls football team have reached the third round of the ESFA national cup. A fantastic achievement for all the students involved.

Finally, as we reach the end of term, we will be further celebrating success with our recognition assemblies and our recognition events. More details to follow in the coming weeks.


If there is anything you would like to discuss further, then please do not hesitate to contact the relevant key stage lead below.

Many thanks for your continued support.



Mr Williams (KS3) and Mrs Hunt (KS4)

Assistant Headteachers


This page was last updated: 4th November 2022