Show My Homework Quiz Investigation

Dear Parent/Carer,

Following on from the letter I sent last week regarding the inappropriate material found on questions on an RE quiz on Show My Homework, we have now carried out a full investigation.

The outcome of our investigation has found that this was indeed a deliberate and malicious act carried out by a member of staff who no longer works at the school. We are shocked and appalled that a staff member could behave in such a manner. We will be sending the findings of our investigation to The Teaching Regulation Agency as we do not believe this behaviour is compatible with the trust placed in teachers.

The volume of learning resources and teaching aids that are being drawn up during the current unprecedented situation is vast and we are reliant on the dedication and professionalism of staff to set well thought out, appropriate work to their students.

We have taken this incident very seriously, dealt with it as a matter of urgency and trust that our prompt actions to resolve this important issue have now brought it to a close.

Thank you for your patience and continued support during the investigation of this matter.

Kind regards,

Mrs C. Aitcheson


This page was last updated: 24th June 2020