Power to Perform – Year 10 and 11 Recordings are now available to download

We loved how many parents tuned in to watch our “Power to Perform” evening live streamed on Wednesday night. The aim of the evening is to update parents on the priorities at this point in their child’s school career and outline practical strategies for parents so they can help at home too.

We’ve decided to make the recordings available to anyone who missed it or wants to recap on the information shared.

Here’s a reminder of the topics covered:

Year 10

⭐️ Principal’s welcome

⭐️ Reflections on Lockdown Learning

⭐️ The power of parental engagement

⭐️ New student support structure in Year 10

⭐️ What we are doing to ‘bridge the gap’ in Year 10 following lockdown

⭐️ What students can expect to see this year

⭐️ Some new terminology for parents

⭐️ Specific strategies from the Heads of English and Maths

⭐️ Action sheet for parents

Year 11

⭐️ Principal’s welcome

⭐️ Reflections on Lockdown Learning

⭐️ The power of parental engagement

⭐️ New student support structure in Year 11

⭐️ Top tips to support your child through their exams

⭐️ Video and explanation about ‘comparable outcomes’

⭐️ What we are doing to ‘bridge the gap’ in Year 11 following lockdown

⭐️ What students can expect to see this year

⭐️ “Rhythm of the Year” calendar for Year 11

⭐️ A reminder of terminology for parents

⭐️ Specific strategies from English, Maths and Science departments

⭐️ Action sheet for parents

This page was last updated: 11th September 2020