Letter from Mrs K. Russell

Dear Parent/Carer,

Following on from the letter sent by Mrs Aitcheson earlier this week, I am pleased to announce the next stage of our behaviour improvement strategy.

Firstly, I want to take this opportunity to thank all the students at Countesthorpe Leysland Community College who are meeting our basic expectations, by being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Thank you also to all parents who are supporting us with this.

Secondly, I would like to announce that plans are well under way for our 3rd annual Festival on the Field. This is a reward event for students who have 95% or greater attendance and only a few behaviour points (less than 20), with no exclusions from school.

Thirdly, I would like to explain more about our new behaviour system. The table below shows the changes we are making to the detention system in order to ensure no student disrupts the learning of others. We have spent the last year establishing the understanding with both students and parents that student attendance at detentions is compulsory. We now have a graduated response system that allows students to put things right as soon as possible. It also give students an opportunity to complete lower level sanctions within the college day.

Students who do not do as they asked, or are rude to staff, will be removed from lessons. Refusal to comply with this will result in a serious consequence; we expect students to do as they are instructed.

The table below explains how the detention system works:

Detention Who, where, when Reason

(10 mins)

Tutor or class teacher

At break or lunch with the teacher

Late to lesson Reg or Lesson 1,2,4

Missing uniform

Missing equipment

Disruption to learning

Chewing or eating in class

Lack of work or homework


(20 mins)

Head of House or Head of Department

At a time arranged by the House/Department

Missing a D10

Continued disruption in the lesson after a D10 has been issued and other staff have now become involved.


(30 mins)

Leadership team

After college (the following day)

Leysland Theatre

Repeated lateness to college

Lateness to lesson after break or lunch

Phones out in the building

Aerosols on site

Cycling on site

Inside the building when it is closed


Low level out of class behaviour


(60 mins)

Leadership team

After college (the following day)

Leysland Theatre

Missing a D60

Removal from class by on-call staff

Refusal to hand over electronic device if asked

Serious out of class behaviour

Any involvement in a fight/filming of a fight

(this also includes behaviour to and from college)

Any other reason at the discretion of the Leadership team.

I thank you in anticipation of your support.  We are also keen to gather your views so would be grateful if you could complete a short survey by following this link http://bit.ly/2HGt79h

Yours sincerely

Mrs K Russell

Assistant Principal

This page was last updated: 15th March 2019