Many parents of children at Countesthorpe Leysland Community College already make regular use of Show My Homework to keep up to date with homework being set for their children. However, we are aware that as parents have changed phones, tablets or laptops, that sometimes they haven't logged back in.
To help all parents make best use of Show My Homework we have sent parental login details home with your children today.
If you have never logged into Show My Homework the letter will contain a parental PIN number that you can use to setup Show My Homework on your phone, tablet or computer.
If you have previously used Show My Homework but have forgotten your login details, the letter will give instructions on how to reset your password (basically visit Show My Homework and click the reset my password link).
Students should log into Show My Homework using their College email address and network password (the one they use to log onto school computers with).